Nina Reppich
Tel. +49 151 12 55 76 89
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ELIQUO HYDROK renew their Thames Water Framework
ELIQUO HYDROK are delighted to announce their Framework Agreement with Thames Water for Mecana Pile Cloth Media Filters has been renewed for AMP7. This will ensure the supply of technology to meet stringent new discharge standards from Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW). The agreement covers two of the three lots awarded for the supply of technology and services under the Thames Water Phosphorus Reduction Programme, worth almost £61 million in total. Each provides for the design, manufacture, testing, installation and commissioning of tertiary treatment plant, with the option of providing training and maintenance amongst other activities:
- Lot 2 is for ‘Medium Phosphorus Consent Levels’ i.e. <0.8 mg/l to 0.4 mg/l, with a total value of £16.6 million;
- Lot 3 is for ‘Tight Phosphorus Consent Levels’ i.e. <0.4 mg/l, with a total value of £32.2 million.
The agreements are awarded for an initial period of five years, with options to extend this by up to another three years.

ELIQUO HYDROK has considerable and extensive experience of delivering both ‘Medium and ‘Tight’ Phosphorus Consent Levels using their Mecana process, with over 100 installations in the UK since the technology was introduced in 2014. Both ELIQUO HYDROK and Thames Water participated in the ground-breaking CIP2 trials during AMP6, demonstrating at Cirencester WwTW a total Phosphorus concentration of <0.2 mg/l could be achieved.
Thames Water have deployed Mecana Pile Cloth Media Filtration extensively during AMP5 and AMP6 and already have over 70 Mecana filters at 35 sites, providing over 3,300 m2 of cloth area to treat the wastewater of almost 0.5 million people. Thames Water also have the distinction of operating the largest Mecana installation in the UK – that at Deephams in North London, which treats 4,149 l/s using 12 SF18/90 units.
With demand for Mecana expected to grow significantly in AMP7, the agreement with ELIQUO HYDROK guarantees Thames Water continued access to this proven technology. In turn this ensures Thames Water will be able to meet their wastewater P removal commitments for AMP7.